Mark Cashatt’s Taekwon-Do School, Inc.
Taekwon students, parents and friends,
We now have 5 different ways that a student can train to learn Taekwon-Do and earn their Black Belt and beyond!
We have our 12 ONLINE classes featured on our website. With these video classes, students can view them any time of day and by email or texting me with the class’s “magic word”, the student will get a class credit towards advancement.
With this plan and any other plan, since we are all diving in to the internet world a bit deeper, students can make a video of any of their patterns and send them to me for advice….for free!
Our second way of training is with PRIVATE LESSONS. These can be held at a student’s backyard or basement or any place of the student’s preference. I come to visit you for $40 for a 30 minute session. Private lessons can also be done via FaceTime or Zoom. A 30 minute Private Lesson is worth 3 class credits (need 30-40 classes between GUP tests).
The third way is with our OUTDOOR CLASSES! We have one on Wednesdays from 6-7 pm and one on Saturday from 9:30-10:30 AM at Franconia Plastics Parking Lot, 675 Forman Road in Souderton. Masks and sneakers are required. We practice social distancing with the OUTDOOR and INDOOR CLASSES.
The fourth way of training is at the Heritage Restaurant Lower Level Banquet Room on Mondays and Thursdays 6-7 pm and 7-8 pm. These classes have been very small (3-10 students) and we are allowed up to 16 keeping our 6 feet social distancing. Masks must be worn and student’s body temperatures are taken before entry.
The fifth way is with our ZOOM classes. Our Wednesday morning ZOOM class was very popular over the summer but now that the children are back to school, few can join in on this class. So we have canceled the Wednesday morning class and put more focus on catering to the ZOOM students during our Monday and Thursday 6-7 pm ZOOM class. I ask that those students who do strictly ZOOM and/or ONLINE classes to attend these ZOOM classes. There is also a 7-8 pm class ZOOMed that night, but those are for the higher belts. We also have a special ZOOM Red Belt and above class on Wednesday nights from 7:30-8:30 pm where we have some of our long distance students joining in. The OUTDOOR classes were too difficult to ZOOM since we are spread out so much.
This is pretty much the way we will run things until restrictions are lifted and everyone feels comfortable once again in the big world.
It seems we hear too much negativity about this change in our lives which started back in March. Yes, we are all in it together, but it is not the end of the world! When a crisis happens, Black Belts encourage and inspire others to look at the bright side instead of all the negative thoughts. Life is about change and we have really been tested on our perseverance and indomitable spirit. So many lives have been drastically changed and there are some lives which haven’t been changed much at all. The Black Belt way of thinking is that no matter what happens, we can make it through and in fact, grow in a very positive way. The big problem is that we are being “forced” to change. We all know change is constant and cannot be avoided if we are to live and love mankind and nature in the world.
When we think back to all the changes we went through in the past 6 months and how we have evolved, it is inspirational. Where there is a will, there is a way.
I am so proud of all our students who have stuck it out and continued their training through these months of adjustments. It made us all stronger. We will continue to grow in Taekwon-Do and in our own personal development by resisting negative talk, negative thoughts and trying to enlighten negative people. Now I don’t want to use the word “negative” any more. Let’s just go with the positive and make people grow tired of our enthusiasm. Hopefully it will motivate them and one by one, piece by piece we can make a more peaceful and positive world.
Respectfully submitted,
Mark Cashatt
On Thursday, September 17, students will have the opportunity to break wood boards during the 6-7 pm class at the Heritage. The board breaking will be done outside unless the weather doesn’t cooperate. Participants need to order their boards by emailing cashattTKD@gmail.com or text 215-479-3440. It costs $3 per whole board and $1.50 per half board. Participants will have a chance to do 2 different breaks. Those hoping to test November 14 will be breaking during the 7-8 pm hour and those participants need to order ahead of time as well. All orders must be in by Wednesday, September 16.
20th ANNUAL UATW (Ultimate Adult TKD Weekend)
It’s been 20 years since the very first UATW at Camp Unami in Green Lane. Every year since then adult students of our dojang have looked forward to a weekend in Autumn in nature practicing their passion, Taekwon-Do.
The 5th year we had a special UATW at Camp Arthureeta in Schwenksville where we have special guest instructors Mr. Carlos Patalinghug teaching us combat with sticks and then the next day we had Master Parm Rai giving us an ITF workout we’ll all remember!
The 10th year we traveled 10 hours south (10 of us in a magic bus) to Topsail Island, North Carolina for a weekend on the beach. Thanks to Mr. Dale Fennell and Mrs. Chrissey Fennell for being our hosts. We had an unbelievable time with lots of good memories.
Our 15th year we once again traveled to Topsail Island, North Carolina with another group of fine TKD students and since then, we said for the 20th we would do something extra special. We had talked about going on a cruise for this special year, the 20th!
Well, here we are in the year nobody could possibly imagine. Do we want to go on a cruise? Not really. In January 2020 we checked in to some wonderful places to hold the UATW in Sea Isle City, NJ…..but as the summer progressed, unsure of the turnout in the Fall, we lost our chance to reserve the houses at Sea Isle.
Luckily, Camp Oak Hill in Nottingham has the weekend of October 2, 3 & 4 wide open for just our group! This will be the 4th year at Camp Oak Hill. We will keep the number of participants to 12. We work out on a big asphalt parking lot and we have a pavilion in case of rain. There’s a big room for the gentlemen to sleep and another for the ladies. They have bunk beds but we will have only one person to bunk bed (choice of above or below bunk). The option is also there for participants to set up their own tent for sleep time. We will arrange to do as much outside as possible, including eating our meals. More precautions will be announced as we get closer to the dates: October 2, 3 and 4, 2020.
Please contact Master Cashatt if you are planning on attending. The registration form and brochure can be found on our website.
On Saturday, October 31 we will be cleaning our adopted highway, route 113 from Allentown Road to Schoolhouse Road. We will start at 10:45 am, just after the 9:30-10:30 am TKD class ends. We’ll meet in the parking lot of the Heritage Restaurant. We should be done by noon. All participants under 12 must be accompanied by an adult in charge. Participants should wear strong, toe covered shoes. We will supply the trash bags, gloves and orange vests. Please email Master Cashatt at cashattTKD@gmail.com or text 215-479-3440 if you plan on attending.
The buzz is happening amongst the students about this next Black Belt grading coming up November 14. The first evaluation already happened for Mr. Rich Hollenbach going for 6th DAN; Victoria Forbes and Donna Creachen going for 4th DAN; Frank Ciuba going for 3rd DAN and Jeneen Ost going for 1st DAN!
At the time of this KIAP! printing, things are still up in the air as far as details. The candidates may wait until the Spring grading if they cannot ready themselves enough. The test is tentatively planned to be held at the Heritage Lower Level Banquet Room starting at 1 pm.
We will see how things are as far as our Covid-19 status as to how many spectators can attend the grading. In the meantime, please help encourage and motivate your fellow students.